The metamorphic bedrock exposed in the Nashoba terrane of East-Central Massachusetts records a complex history of deformation and metamorphism associated with the subduction of the Iapetus Ocean and collision of Avalonia with the composite Laurentian margin during the Acadian orogeny. Although the structural history of the terrane has been well studied, its pressure-temperature (P-T) history is less constrained. Accurately determining P–T histories provides key constraints on orogenic processes, such as the depth of rock burial, the evolution of the geothermal gradient, and rates of exhumation. In our lab, we apply a range of field, lab, and modeling based petrologic techniques to try and unravel this missing bit of New England tectonic history!
The image on the right is a photo of Emlynn Merrill ‘25 (L) and Katherine Morin ‘24 (R) investigating an outcrop of folded migmatite in the Nashoba Terrane. They conducted preliminary petrographic analysis and phase equilibria modeling as part of their summer reseach projects. Photo credit to Jannitta Yao ‘21.
Related Publications and Abstracts
Yao, J. T., Castro, A. E., Roberts, N. M., Wolfe, O. M., Brunet, I. M., & Vasey, D. A. (2023). Phase Equilibria Evidence for Intermediate P/T Metamorphism in the Nashoba Terrane and Implications for Acadian Tectonics in Ganderia. Lithosphere, 2023(1).
Jannitta T. Yao, Adrian E. Castro, Nicolas M. Roberts, Oliver M. Wolfe, Isabella M. Brunet, Dylan A. Vasey; Phase Equilibria Evidence for Intermediate P/T Metamorphism in the Nashoba Terrane and Implications for Acadian Tectonics in Ganderia. Lithosphere 2023;; 2023 (1): lithosphere_2023_105. doi:
*Yao, J., *Brunet, I., Castro, A.E., Wolfe, O.M., Kuiper, Y., Hepburn, & C.J., 2022 , Synthesizing petrographic analysis and modern thermodynamic modeling to determine the P–T conditions of metamorphism in the Nashoba Terrane, East-Central MA, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs., Vol 54, No. 3,
Castro, A.E., *Yao, J., Wolfe, O.M., 2022 Some like it hot: Reevaluating the extent of anatexis in the Nashoba Terrane, East-Central Massachusetts , Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Vol 54, No. 3,
Castro, A.C., *Yao, J., Wolfe, O.M., George, F.R., Vasey, D.A., Cryptic Early “Barrovian” Metamorphism in the Trailing Edge of Ganderia: Evidence from Aluminosilicate Reaction Textures, Garnet Trace Element Zoning and Phase Equilibria Modeling, 2022 Goldschmidt Meeting
Yao, J., Castro, A., Castro, A., Brunet, I., Brunet, I., Roberts, N., Roberts, N., Wolfe, O. M., Wolfe, O. M., Kuiper, Y. D., Kuiper, Y. D., Hepburn, J. C., & Hepburn, J. C., 2022, “Barrovian” metamorphism in the Nashoba terrane: evidence from combined phase equilibria modeling, geothermobarometry, and petrographic analysis. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol 54, No. 5,